Saturday, October 18, 2008

Harvest time and the neighbors

Hey! It has been a while since our last post. Over a month and we are officially settled, sort of... Now that we have the unemployed routine down it is going to change. Moon was just hired by an English institute nearby to start part time work on Wed. This will help to facilitate my spousal visa and once that comes through I will be taking a full time position at the same place. For now we are learning about our neighbors, shopping quite a bit and learning our way around town by car.
We have great neighbors across the street. They welcome Joon whenever he wanders over and offer helpful advice when we are not sure about something. The wife works every day of the month except two at a restaurant and the husband manages the mandarin and we're not sure what else...
Next to our house is a mandarin grove where no one lives. currently it is close to harvest so workers have been arriving and selectively picking the fruit.

Further down is a woodmill. Very noisy on weekdays but bearable. They seem to take rough cut lumber and make one by's for what we don't know. I am optimistic that ither they slow down in winter or on the island their resource is limited. Maybe I am too optimistic.

In the distance We can hear a gaggle(?) of ducks. When we first arrived on the island we were waking up at odd hours due to jet lag. In those early morning hours I could hear the howl of what sounded like a dog team. Once we started driving we learned to follow a sign for a restaurant serving duck that was near our house. This sign helped us to know where and when to turn on the dizzyng roads to get home. Slowly I put 2=2 together and realized that the rural restaurant may specialize in more than duck. Now the howl of the dogs is not so comforting or romantic as it might feel were I in Alaska. Instead there is a twinge of sadness. Oh well...

Moon and I have embarked on several walks in the neoghborhood that go past many mandarin groves. There is a large Buddhist complex down a side road and often we here the bell early and late in the day. Occasionally there is what I imagine to be a call to prayer sounded over a loud speaker but this is rare.

It is fun to learn what is around this area over time and realize that we are not so isolated within this area. Joon really helps in facilitating my getting to know the neighbors. He is bold and uninhibited as he walks up to everyone and offers a smile and now a little bow of the head in greeting.

Okay, I will stop here. Shorter and more frequent posts will hopefully follow! New pictures are up. Mostly of the reception, beach, and neighborhood. Enjoy and party on...