Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hey! Long time no hear. Sorry about that. I'd like to say it is due to a lack of time but it is really due to an abundance of procrastination. Nothing to say at first and then putting off until there is too much to say. I'm sure some of you know the routine.

Anyway, life has been busy in mostly a good way. moon and I have been working at the same school since Feb. and it is going relatively good. We enjoy teaching the kids and not taking our job home with us. The hours are decent and we both have a lot of time to spend with Joon.

Joon has been growing up extremely fast. That sponge of a brain just keeps growing and he is repeating everything (did I mention everything) we say these days. He has begun to point and ask what things are. It is cool to watch his brain process and retain all the information in two different languages. Moon's Aunt is running a daycare so he is now spending some time there with other friends and cool toys. Daycare is pretty intensive and excellent here. The teachers are awesome and give plenty of attention to each child's need. Hopefully we will have more time to take him there since we think it is good for him to play with other kids (not a lot of kids out here where we live).

Recently we had our first friends visit us. Sam and Mayura are friends of ours from Seattle who are currently living in Japan. Sam had business in Korea so they both took the opportunity to visit the island. It was a real treat. Sam brought us some wonderful treats from the US base and we had a great time catching up and reminiscing...not to mention the opportunity that visitors provide to see the island. Joon really grew fond of them both and was still asking where they were for a couple of days after they left.

Of course sickness has been an issue since starting to teach. We seem to be cycling through every one of the colds around. When I used to work at the homeless shelter in Seattle I remember staff getting really ill in the first six months and then feeling like we had super immunity given the amount of crap we were exposed to. Hopefully the same will be true here. We are all tired of colds.

Despite the illnesses Moon and I managed to run in a 10k a couple of weeks ago. The race was part of a larger marathon and all we thought throughout the run was 'how could we do this for 26 miles?' Fortunately we didn't have to and we both reached our weak target of finishing within an hour. The Koreans really know how to put together an event with freebies, prizes and a singing contest.

See why I haven't posted in a while? things are pretty routine (which is a good thing). Hot weather is here and the sun is intense. I want to swim but suspect the ocean water might still be a little chilly. The next phase of our journey involves preparing for the arrival of Joon's grandparents in May. They will be here for most of the month and we are looking forward to their arrival.

Feel free to post questions and I will try to answer them. I give up on promising to write more frequently and Hopefully we haven't lost too many visitors. Hope everyone is having fun!