Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Moon's Fathers grave with a classic Oreom (parasitic volcano) in the background

The month of September marks the end of the summer around here and the transition to fall and winter activities. An annual tradition for most families on the island is the maintenance of the graves. These graves are simple mounds scattered everywhere and anywhere you might look in the country. For most of the summer these mounds become overgrown with ferns and grass and become almost invisible. Of course everyone knows where their family member's graves are and weed whackers and scythes come out in force to trim them down so they look like nicely manicured plots. Some folks have stone walls surrounding their graves and some even have headstones or fancy marble structures. Often they are grouped together in fields or in a space that resembles a cemetery.

After a small hike Moon's family starts the clearing process. (yours truly lazing behind the camera of course)

After the hardwork there is a small ceremony to honor her father and then we eat a well deserved meal.

Here we are at the end of the hardworking day posing on the nicely trimmed mound.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Hey! Long time no see...It has been a busy Month both here and at home and posting to the blog has become a low priority. Sorry about that. As many of you know my parents were in a pretty severe car accident. They were pretty shaken up and suffering from a variety of injuries but are doing much better now. Thanks to everyone who kept them in their thoughts and prayers. We felt pretty helpless on this side of the ocean since we couldn't be there to offer physical support but we did what we could.

For now I am just going to post some older pics we took back in August. Joon has been turning into a little man which is awesome to watch. We will have a new singing video up soon. For now, Enjoy!

Here is Joon working on his first pizza dough. He was pretty excited about the whole process especially since cheese was involved!

Here are some pictures from our second camping trip to the beach. ( smudges compliments of Joon's fingers!)

Fun in the sand!
And this gem is our first attempt at clamming which was a minimal success. Once we figured out we didn't need to dig so deep we were too tired to try much longer. Still we had a nice soup with our catch.

More to come! Hope all is well...