Saturday, July 25, 2009

Birds of a different feather...

First a little update of our Swallow family. We counted about four babies and here they are ready to fly away. We were fortunate to be home last Saturday evening when they took their first flight. There was a lot of chatter as they figured out they could get out of their overcrowded nest. I think momma was ready to push them out if they didn't figure it out on their own!

Onto our new addition of chickens. When My folks were here my dad and I took the time to build a coop out of random wood laying around the house. It was not finished by the time they left but with a litlle scavenging I was able to locate some roofing material and close the deal. We bought two chickens at the five day market (local farmer's market) and tested things out. Here is Joon looking pretty excited about it all

With More scavenging for dead trees and a lot of netting it was time to build a small yard for the chickens to run around in during the day.

They seem happy to peck around and settle in. A little late to be hoping for eggs but we will see. Of course one chicken decided to fly out. A chase around the mandrin fields ensued and wings had to be clipped. otherwise, so far so good!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fun Times in the summer

Here is a little experiment in collages. i promise they will get better if i keep working on it. Anyway, we have been hitting the beaches, watching the garden explode and enjoying the Swallows and their growing family. Joon is changing dramatically everyday, playing with his dolls, fascinations with trucks, tractors and Choo Choo trains, talking and even singing his ABC's. Hard to believe but it is happening... It is way cool to watch. Hope everyone is having fun! .
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