Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pound Puppy



In addition to birthdays and stitches, we are also the proud owners of a new mutt! Bok Dori  is his name and he is officially grandma’s protector/companion after we leave the island. After leaving spock in Alaska with our friends chris and Lynn I was hesitant to jump into the pet ownership waters again. Now we have a puppy and it’s a whole new ball of responsibility.


It took us a couple of months before we found the right dog for our family. We started our search online through the local ex pat community. It was not our wish to buy a dog or have a particular breed. If we could rescue a dog that was good with kids then we were happy. Through word of mouth we located a woman who’s mission it is to rescue dogs and adopt them to owners who make a lifetime commitment. We were tempted to adopt from her when our friend Ali coordinated an effort to walk dogs at a local animal shelter. This shelter was out in the country and afforded us the chance to pick a dog take it for a walk and see how it interacted with other dogs, People and most importantly Joon. It was here that we found Bok Dori and had that “right” feeling you get when you have found a good dog.


So far things have gone well. He checked out well at the vet and has been growing quickly. Joon has been adjusting to his presence in our house and imitates us very well in terms of how to treat a pet. They often match each others intensity/hyperness and wear each other out.  He was crate trained very quickly and seems to enjoy the country lifestyle our neighborhood offers.

Here is a link that shows a story about the shelter on our local english news broadcast.  It starts at about 7:20 and works best on internet explorer. Enjoy and happy spring!

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